A Heslop Moment
I have a new book cover! This is exciting. And unexpected.
I wasn't planning on buying a new cover. I thought the one I had was just fine. I hadn't looked at it for a long time and I'd bought it in a bit of a rush. I was sure it was fine, though.
Then I popped onto Amazon to do something else (stare hopefully at my sales reports, probably) and noticed it again. And it wasn't fine. It was awful. I'd made a terrible mistake.
I couldn't even fathom what made me choose it in the first place. It was just... wrong.
This isn't the frst time this has happened to me. A year ago I went to the shops thinking I looked just fine. "I don't need to get changed or fix my hair up," I said to my self, "I'm fine." I was very confident about the whole thing. I thought I looked pretty spiffy. Then I passed one of those mirrors shopping centres put everywhere in order to cause despair and panic buying to enter the hearts of their customers. I didn't look fine. I looked like the mum in Muriels' Wedding when she had sore feet and got arrested for shoplifting. That was a let-down and a half.
Seeing my old book cover on Amazon was the same horrible realisation. My cover was the book equivalent of Betty Heslop stealing a pair of thongs at the supermarket and I did not like it.
So I spent some time searching for a new cover. I wanted something brighter, more obviously fun and romantic and I'm so happy with the way it turned out. Here it is:
Not a Heslop in sight and no more horrible realisations. I love the colours, the humour and romance of the balloons. It makes me happy to look at it. Better yet, I have a cover for the next one that I love as well.
Heslop moments. They're a force for good. Eventually.