I Read...

Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh. This was so good but also desperately sad and affecting. I loved it. I ended up reading this only at night when my kids were in bed after I left it on dining room and table and one of my kids went (SPOILER STOP READING IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW STUFF): "Oooh a comic book! Dogs! Mum, why did her sister drive into a train?". Then I had to leap across the room and wrestle the book away.

Also I recently read: Last Night by Mhairie McFarlane. It was excellent. I went on a binge of her backlist last year because they were so good. Warm and funny and romantic. This was one was just as good as the others.  She's one of the authors I will read any book by without even knowing what it's about. She can just come to my home, take money directly out of my wallet, hand me a book and leave and I won't complain. I woudn't even call the police and the breaking and entering. That's how great she is and how much I trust her to not hand me something bad. Marian Keyes is another one. Just take my money, okay?


Secrets of Playboy. A candy pink world of darkness.


Little Ray of Sunshine