Procrastination List
Things I did today to avoid writing:
1. Curled my hair.
2. Talked to my Mum on the phone.
3. Looked at Twitter. Annoyed by Twitter. Typed out responses then deleted them without posting.
4. Put the fire on because it’s nice to be warm when writing.
5. Ate lunch.
6. Tried a new stain remover on my skirt that I spilled shoe polish on.
7. Read the newspaper
8. Stain remover did not work to get shoe polish out of skirt. Soaked skirt in bucket of bleach.
9. Searched eBay for the same skirt just in case I couldn’t get shoe polish out. No luck.
10. Searched Amazon for books on procrastination. Spent half an hour doing this before realising I was now using procrastination itself to procrastinate and should really get some work done. This worked! Finally got some work done in the last hour before leaving to do the school run. Promised myself to do better tomorrow (unlikely).