Too Smug, Too Soon

School holidays here and I’ve spent the last week watching gastro slowly make its way from one family member to another. For a while I thought it was going to miss me and I was feeling very pleased with myself for my superior hand-washing and my incredible face-not-touching skills. “Look at me, disinfecting the bathroom for the millionth time and not being throwing up. Truly, I am the envy of all.” As always, I was too smug, too soon and lived to regret it.

I did have a genuinely excellent nap on the second day, so it wasn’t all bad. And, now that it’s over, I feel so relieved not be in pain that it’s almost enjoyable to do normal things like hanging up the washing on the clothesline and vacuuming under the couch (almost, I said. Almost. I’m not a lunatic). I feel all energised and happy to alive. Which is not my usual state. And that was just from a short gastro. Imagine if I’d just recovered from the Black Death, I’d be high as a kite for the next decade.

So, although the school holidays didn’t go quite to plan, things aren’t all bad. The only tricky part is that child number 1 missed out on our trip to the cinema to see Kung Fu Panda 4 and was promised there would a return visit. So, guess who the lucky parent is who will be seeing Kung Fu Panda 4 twice this school holidays? That’s right. I am that lucky lady. I’d never seen Kung Fu Panda’s 1, 2 or 3 so I spent most of the first trip completely baffled (Who is that goose? Who is that other panda? Are they both Dads to that other panda? Did that nap I just took make this movie more or less confusing? Why is Awkwafina in every single animated movie, including the trailers for the ones that haven’t come out yet?”). Let’s see how perky I feel after I’ve sat through that one again.


Everybody was Kung-Fu fighting…

